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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Yellow polyps!!!!!!!!!!!!!Red with blue ring shrooms!!!!!!


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I have smal peices of rubble with between 4 and 6 polyps each.

5 bucks a rock. These suckers grow fast and spread quickly!!!!!

I am in cincinnati and would preffer local pickup.

I also have some of the best looking shroooms you will ever see. I promise you havenever seen these before unless you collected them your self from the ocean floor or know someone who has.

They are maroon with a whitish blue ring and center. They are not a large pimple mushroom more of a smooth tiny pimple.

15 bucks a peice.

Have two off the rock and one small rock with around 6 on it (60 for this one,).

You CANNOT cut and frag this type of mushroom. It has to move and leave some of its self behind. This and the color variation reflect the asking price per shroom.

I promise you , you can search the internet ti'll your little hearts content and youi will never find this coloration and pattern.


I will post pics of all as soon as I can .


once again I preffer local pick ups.

Thank you.

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Realy not crazy about shipping anything live through the mail.

It would be a rip off to you if somthing happend.


BTW Pics will be up tomorow evening. ( Monday night)

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Thank you. Told ya' you've never seen anything like them before.

VERY hard to find. The only place I have EVER seen them was at my local LFS. A friend of his illegaly harvested then from the ocean floor about 4 years ago. Thats the story any ways. I think they came from Thialand?

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anyone here in northern Ohio want to make a carpool road trip ? split gas cost, and maybe driving? I would really like some of those shrooms, and since he is apprehensive to ship a road trip is our only choice

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All The free floaters and the frag of GSP's may be gone. Will know for sure by Friday or this evening.

Daemonfly may be getting both floaters and the gsps.


Not to worry though. Thes grow like mad and I will soon have more moving off the rock. All Ihave to do is place somthing next to it. The pic of the mother colony is only about 4 months old!!

The GSP frag is about 5 months old.

I also have another GSP frag for sale.

20 for it as well near the same size on a larger rock.

SHOULD have three more shrooms within the next month.

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THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU for your kinds words and your interest in what I have to offer.


HAVE A GREAT THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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the fact that your freind ILLEGALLY took them from the ocean is wrong. reef laws are in place for people to not be motivated by profit to take things from the ocean so that others inthe future will near enjoy. its like selling stolen goods. there is no difference. jsut bec he did not get caught doesnt make it right to make profit from them.


if you gave them to me i would not take them.

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What ever . How in the hell do you think 50 percent of the coral you buy AS WELL AS FISH get in to the trade to begin with?

If you believe any other way your nieve my friend.

Besides I dont know it to be true nore do I care. I bought them from the store over the table. Got the story second hand.

You strike me as someone who wants one but either cant afford it or lives to far away. Dont be a hater.

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Well, ALL corals have came from stuff taken from the ocean. I'd get these & propagate them myself, give some to friends, etc... just like how we're doing with any of our currently tank-propagated corals.

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The tank-keeping hobby we've gotten ourselves into could potentially threaten the ecosystem (thats why they have the laws.... so that the threat remains slim, so ya..don't take stuff from the ocean). However the further propagation of corals ALREADY in captivity, (once they're out of the ocean their's no goin' back) will relieve the stress of comercial collecting. Those who propagate corals themselves, whether it be someone at their home selling the frags to their friends or a business like www.coraldynamics.com, are relieving stress on the ocean... in the long run is it good or bad????... it's good. As previously stated though don't take from the ocean if you aren't permitted to.................. I'm from Cinci too.. it's a shame i don't have my tank set up yet (waitin' for christmas) 'cause those are cool shrooms.

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