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oo that I can't tell, I would have to ask the person to see if they are willing to sell for that much to anybody. They usually sale for 15 a piece. I bought 20 for 63.00 so I paid like 3 bucks a piece!

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Well they are only babies right now from what I understand! The person said they are about 1/2" to 3/4". They are green with a pink tip. Dont know what they are have to ask. I have two big ones right now they are a corn anemone (Yellowish) and a bubble tip anemone (pink). I will have a enought room for them. I am going to start another tank in 5yrs it is going to be a 500 gallon reef.

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Sounds like Majano. Not a good deal, $3 apiece... They're full-sized, pretty much--average--though they can grow over an inch across.


Not sure if that's necessarily a good thing! Don't plan on putting those guys in a reef...

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Well they are not just to tell you! HAHAHA I know they are not HAHAHA They are called Tulip Anemones,( dont know if that is the same thing, Not sure) Sale on ebay for 10$ a piece or more for ONE!!!

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Same thing--tulips ARE Majanos. The people that buy them on Ebay onesey-twosey are MORONS. They're fine if you like them, but to buy ONE for ten dollars plus shipping is nuts. And they're really NOT good for reefs...They grow, spread, and sting corals.

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...Especialy in large numbers. They're really quite the hassle, and will smother your corals. They sting them into closing up, which stresses them, and can kill parts.

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I have NO coral NOW in the tank. I like them they are a cool green with a pink tip? I have seen them go for 20 for one! Now they are going for like 10 something! I just got them for the simple fact that the colors and because they are small! ooo I guess I have a good size green hairy mushroom oo NO I bought for 35 and now they are growing like huge! I have 2 anemones and they have never stung my mushrooms yet! Once the big bubble anemone went right on the mushrooms for about 3days and nothing. WEll thanks for the INFORMTION!!!! 777

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Just some info....You'll regret it if you ever want a full-blown reef. Otherwise...If you like Majanos, then keep 'em. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....

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hahaha...ceasar's right, these guys are gonna spread like crazy and they will sting fish and corals. they're considered to be bad as aptasia.

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Well, like I said, they ARE cute little fellas, BUT they're very aggressive with corals. As long as you don't plan on keeping corals in the tank--ever--then it's not a problem.

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Would u call that a full blown reef I don't know. I only have about 3000 into it, There are anemones in there to bigger then your head. About 10" dia and they have not hurt anything at all!!!

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Yeah....These new majanos will NOT be fun in your reef.

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They're not your average anemone...READ! Think so many people disliking them is just coincidence?

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Hey well you want to buy some? JOKING. I like them! Why are they pests? It is saying like Xenias are pests they grow like weeds. I know they don't sting like anemones. But why are they that expensive then? And why are people buying them if they are so bad. Why not buy a couple throw them in there own tank let them grow like crazy and put them on ebay.


thanks 777

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Because they can STING the living SNOT out of other corals. They choke out anything that tries to live in the same area--and they SPREAD VERY QUICKLY. They WILL KILL your corals. Blastos and the like are particularly susceptible, but all (or most) corals are.


They're expensive on Ebay because any MORON with a CREDIT CARD can get sucked into BID WARS and end spending OVER RETAIL for something [occasionally] STUPID. The people buying them are foolish, not having done the proper research. Why do bleached corals go for "EXTREMELY RARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" prices? Why do common corals go for huge amounts, while often rare corals go unnoticed? Because Ebay isn't about market value..Again, the saying about "a fool and his money..."


Put 'em in their own tank, sure. But not with other corals.

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Steve Gordon

Flash, I don't mean to flame but you're being retarded. Everyone who knows anything is telling you they're dangerous to other corals, why can't you just accept that? You've never kept them before, obviously, so why do you think you know better than someone who has? I'm not saying don't get them, get whatever you want, but don't ignore good advice just because it goes against what you want to hear.


P.S. this may be a flame, but reading your posts gives me a headache. How about a complete sentence with actual punctuation and no spelling errors, huh? Would that be too much to ask?

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