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Innovative Marine Aquariums

18 gal via aqua


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Well here's a photo of my via aqua 18 gal.



Prizm skimmer

HOB carbon filter

2 power heads

15 lbs Fiji LR

5 lbs tonga branch

20 lbs LS

timer for lights


Haven't added any fish yet so all the inhabitants are just snails and crabs...I found a ton of weird looking snails that came on the LR and some starfish. :) Can't wait to add fish! I love the look of the via aqua but the only downfall I see is the open top water loss from evaporation. I had Lowe's cut acrylic to fit the top but there is still a large area in back where the filters hang that still allows evap. Hope the photo posts I resized it to be 600x600

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Looks great. :) My Via Aqua should be arriving this week. I can't wait! All you new Via Aqua owners are teasing me with your pictures.



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Asking me to make an auto top-off system is like asking me to cook something...I may have all the right ingredients but for some reason it just doesn't come out right. I looked into making auto top-offs but it sounds too complicated with switches and pipes and elbows and arrrrggggghh. Does anyone on this site just sell one they make?

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I tell yea, I am so excited about my Via Aqua 680. I got my tank about a week ago and I just got all water mixed with Kent Marine.


Via Aqua 18g tall 680

Via Aqua Multi-Skimmer (so far its working great)

Via Aqua Titanium heater (fits in filter)

2 Via Aqua Power heads

1 digital thermometer

2x36 watts PCs (come with Tank)



I cant believe how pretty the tank looks. I know I am going Via Aqua crazy but I have grown to like their equipment and my LFS does warrenties on all Via Aqua items.


Viva Via Aqua


Pics to come after I get my Figi LS and Premium Figi LR from http://www.exoticfish.com/

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looks like you got some great looking LR there. Nice coraline growing all over it. Very nice, looking forward to seeing its progression.



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the HOB filter is just some walmart cheap-ola. I'm seeing more and more Via aquas on this website...people are snapping them up quick. They are beautiful looking tanks.

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I was just asking what HOB you have because I have tried a couple with the "lip" of the via aqua was too wide so the filter did not hang like it should.

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  • 3 weeks later...

here's an updated photo of my 18 gal. Added some more LR and some more corals. I have some beautiful frog spawn green with pink tips. I also have some ricordia and some mushrooms going. It's looking filling up. :) I added a cinnamon clown and a false perc. Threw in a coral banded shrimp as well.

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Tank looks great! I was thinking of getting the same tank, does the PC light have any fans? Does it have one cord or two? I know it has two switches, just wondering if you could hook each light up to different timers.

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It has one cord. There are people that have wired the ballast for two cords. But, I'm not going to worry about it. No fans for the lights. But, quite honestly there are NO heat problems associated with the lighting.



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I have one HOB filter and a prizm skimmer, 2 power heads. No heater since the temps stay pretty constant no matter what. ;)

I love my via aqua!:) Only draw back is it has an open top. A lot of evap occurs- but there are plenty of sites that show how to make an auto top off sys. I'll probably end up getting a large salt water reef tank and maybe putting this one in my bedroom or something.

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beatufill rics and frogspan, my rics are pretty boring and I'm looking for a nice frogspan like yours. yeah I know how the open top of the via aqua can be a pain but I made a lid out of acrylic, looks like you did too. The only thing is that the acrylic bows during the night almost touching the water, it tends to straighten out a few ours after the lights come on.


great to hear that coraline is growing on your stuff, I can't tell yet if mine is grwing that much, my snails keep everything pretty clean! are you dosing your tank with anything and is your skimmer pulling alot of crap from the water?

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thanks. Yeah my skimmer pulls gunk out I empty it every 3 days or so. I dose with b-ionic every few days. Also Iodide. That's about it. Your tank looks great too. Like the zoos! I know what you mean about the acrylic drooping...I can't find a thicker piece that doesn't cost a ton of money. Oh well. :|

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Does anyone know of any online dealers of via aqua tanks? I've seen a few and they look great IMO. I've tried searching myself but nothing but drinking water purifiers comes up.

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