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Cam barr

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i have a trimma cana and an eviota pellucida ill gets pics soon they share a 3 gallon eclipse.I also have the blackray shrimp goby and the aurora shrimp goby in other tanks.


Now im looking to get the discordipinna griessingeri and the tryssogobius colini which is one ive never seen be4

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My nano gobies aren't in a true nano, but they're still adorable. This is where they sleep at night. :D



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Lovely gobies people i hope to get a pair of highfin red banded gobies in the future with a pistol shrimp and i hope they get along well and please keep posting pictures i love gobies

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that looks like one nasty fish

its not a green clown goby is it ?

looks too big !

Yes, lol, it is a green clown goby, he is about 1.5 inches long. I was using a 50mm lens with stacked multiplier filters on it. That picture is about 20% the size of the original. You can see his teeth a bit better on the original picture. My wife calls him the crocodile. You can sort of tell his size, he is sitting on the smallest magfloat they make, and the yellow clown in front of him is barely an inch long.

Edit: Here is a 100% crop of his head...I am not sure if the forum will shrink the image at all.



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looks almost deep sea!


Nice gobies. I just picked up a OSG and my buddy got a diamond watchman.. pics soon!


Nevermind both those fish are in davey jones locker now.

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Here are a couple of pics my husband took of one of my gobies, haven't gotten a pic of the other yet:


Elacatinus macrodon Tiger Goby



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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Yeah for the goby thread! I appreciate all the pics. I think I'm going for a catallina once I can find one. would go for the Flaming Prawn, but I don't think I can afford a $125-$145 fish. Damn they're expensive.

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  • 4 months later...

my ycg, sadly he disappeared after like 1.5 months. he ate well and was active, but then he was gone.




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My Eviota pellucida, which has been missing for a few days :/



Blue neon goby (Elacatinus oceanops) The stripe really is neon under blue lights:



Former firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica):



Former Randall's goby (Amblyeleotris randalli) and tiger pistol shrimp (Alpheus bellulus):



Also, for those who are interested in Eviota and Trimma gobies, I highly suggest getting the July/August 2009 edition of Reeflife Magazine (formerly Coral magazine). There is a good article on these fish with some species profiles and lots of pics!

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  • 4 months later...


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