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Pink coral ID?


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Looks like a goniopora. They are often found at the LFS dyed so don't let that sweet color fool ya... it may not be real. And now-a-days there is the beautiful art of photoshopping.

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i have a question about this coral


my friend got one of these and my lfs told him that theyre photosynthetic

im just really curious because ive always been told goniopora's are the hardest corals to keep alive because of their diet and if theyre really photosynthetic i dont see how theyre so hard to keep

is it a species of goniopora that are photosynthetic or is it just more misinformation?

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i have a question about this coral


my friend got one of these and my lfs told him that theyre photosynthetic

im just really curious because ive always been told goniopora's are the hardest corals to keep alive because of their diet and if theyre really photosynthetic i dont see how theyre so hard to keep

is it a species of goniopora that are photosynthetic or is it just more misinformation?


Coral nutrition is not as simple as it might sound...I found a good article in a magazine by Anthony Calfo, which I think might make a good sticky here...but an excerpt reads as follows:


I think that many aquarium hobbyists believe that if they have adequate lighting, their corals will survive with little to no supplemental feeding. The reality of the matter, however, could not be further from the truth. Corals can indeed (potentially) obtain 100% of their carbon needs from zooxanthellate symbiosis, but...their requisite nitrogen must still come from feeding! All corals require at least some supplemental feeding.


(Emphasis Calfo's. From C; The Journal, vol. 1, no. 3., 2007)



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