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Unique aquascapes.


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I'm looking for some threads with some pictures of some very unique rock 'scapes. I'm going to be building a new tank this summer and would like to get some ideas on what I should do about the LR.


I have thought about doing a foam backed tank with some small pieces to LR rubble in it to make it look more natural.


If anyone has a favorite aquascape, even if it someone else, I would love to get a link.




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there's a guy on RC that has a uber-overhang look. it's a big/macro tank but you could probably pull off something similar (and cheaper) in an appropriately shaped nano, i.e. cube or larger surface area/breeder.


i think it was thread of the month recently. :huh:


sheer walls, spur/groove or 'valley', are good setups for nanos too.


for larger tanks, you can really aquascape more interesting/realistic looks. incorporating slopes, bommies, and reef flats for a true "profile reef".


a bommie (rock island) is also something to consider. not just a column of rock but sculpted to have some overhang, like a "V". that way you have intense lighting zones at the top plateau, low-light sandbed sides, very low-light/reflective along the shaded sides, while incorporating interesting flow sweeps. definitely an aquascape i'd like to try with a future dream tank. hth

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there's a guy on RC that has a uber-overhang look. it's a big/macro tank but you could probably pull off something similar (and cheaper) in an appropriately shaped nano, i.e. cube or larger surface area/breeder.


i think it was thread of the month recently. :huh:


sheer walls, spur/groove or 'valley', are good setups for nanos too.


for larger tanks, you can really aquascape more interesting/realistic looks. incorporating slopes, bommies, and reef flats for a true "profile reef".


a bommie (rock island) is also something to consider. not just a column of rock but sculpted to have some overhang, like a "V". that way you have intense lighting zones at the top plateau, low-light sandbed sides, very low-light/reflective along the shaded sides, while incorporating interesting flow sweeps. definitely an aquascape i'd like to try with a future dream tank. hth

I actually thinking about making a "corner v". Thick at the top and thin towards the bottom with a little bit of a rock floor. The rock wall will taper down towards the center overflow and then the overflow will be a "tower" of sorts. I'm thinking of continuing the slope down toward the far corner and having an opposite "v" on the other side, more like and "A" I would like to incorporate a valley and a big arch too. I only have 36X24X18 to work with. Just looking for ideas and some pictures right now.
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Once I get a more defined shape, I will try to get a photo; but my favorite type or rock-scape is the "lagoon" look. Half circle shape that slopes downward on the sides into the sand, forming a bowl. This is great for tanks that are more cube-ish than rectangular.

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I remember seeing an awesome build a couple years ago where the guy made arches and outcrops with pvc and wiretied rock to it. Very minimalistic and creative look. I think he eventually took it down and did 2 islands with a channel in between that looked awesome as well... can't find it though.

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I'm a big fan of the a sheer wall look. I plan to take advantage of the height in my tank having the highest light SPS at the top, with deepwater SPS closer to the middle of the wall, and other corals at the bottom (LPS, rics, zoas)

When I move into the tank I'm upgrading to (16 x 16 cube, 21" tall), I'm planning a bommie (learn something new every day...) too.


Here's my tank (front and then side on):






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  • 4 weeks later...
the reefcentral one looks unique but completely man made. Not like any true reef out there.


some people try to replicate nature others are simply inspired by it

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