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I'm considering a blenny for my 125g. I was curious if anyone had any cool odd ball blenny ideas. I'm not looking for an algae eater. I don't have enough to keep it fed. So let's see it.

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I'm considering a blenny for my 125g. I was curious if anyone had any cool odd ball blenny ideas. I'm not looking for an algae eater. I don't have enough to keep it fed. So let's see it.

Now.....I am not too sure that is what you had in mind....



Paralipophrys trigloides



Well, you asked for odd ball ideas, and this would be as odd ball as you can get!




But, here is a cool one. Relatively rare, but by the style of your post, I think you may one of the guys that likes to wait for the perfect option!


Labrisomus filamentosus


But these guys have some in stock (I think). Someone I know got one over the summer. Awesome personality.







Also cool are the Barnacle Blennies. Not the best looking, but SUPER cool..especially in groups!


Acanthemblemaria spinosa



I have had these guys in the past...awesome.




Good luck!

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Now.....I am not too sure that is what you had in mind....



Paralipophrys trigloides



Well, you asked for odd ball ideas, and this would be as odd ball as you can get!




But, here is a cool one. Relatively rare, but by the style of your post, I think you may one of the guys that likes to wait for the perfect option!


Labrisomus filamentosus


But these guys have some in stock (I think). Someone I know got one over the summer. Awesome personality.







Also cool are the Barnacle Blennies. Not the best looking, but SUPER cool..especially in groups!


Acanthemblemaria spinosa



I have had these guys in the past...awesome.




Good luck!

I thought about barnacle blennies but I came to the conclusion that I have to many burrowing fish. Blue Spot Jaw, Orange Spot Goby, Yasha. I don't mind a fish that perches but these three never go more than a few inches from their burrow. I will have to look into that other blenny, Labrisomus filamentosus.



Midas blennies are planktivores.

I tried one. It didn't make it. Only a day after acclimation so I returned the body. I thought about trying another one because they swim like snakes/eels but I'm not totally sure I want a fish that is difficult to care for.

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