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The most beautiful Elegance Coral I will never have.


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I was searching through the net for some corals and came across an exporter in California and couldn't help but drool at some of the Jardinei Elegance from Australia they have pictured.


Sadly, since I am in Canada, I know I can never own one of these ... but darn.....







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they pretty much all look like that




And the aussie ones tend to die just the same as the indo pacific ones, save your money and keep them in the ocean...

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I saw them on a website for a California wholesale exporter for businesses.


I have seen multitudes of the green elegance, but never the red ones before. I have an elegance in my tank now.. Have had it for well over 6 months and it is happy and healthy and I am wanting to get another one. I know I will never get ones of these colors, but I thought they were definately something different.

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And the aussie ones tend to die just the same as the indo pacific ones, save your money and keep them in the ocean...

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