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Lots of small translucent worms all over my live rock? PICTURE ATTACHED


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I cant believe I didnt see these before - when I take a close look at my live rock there are these tiny worms moving all around it. Are they bristle worms? They are see through and look like little centipedes. Will they eat my corals?


EDIT: Managed to get a picture. What are these things? Kinda hard to see, but squint a little and you can make out its body and legs.



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I cant believe I didnt see these before - when I take a close look at my live rock there are these tiny worms moving all around it. Are they bristle worms? They are see through and look like little centipedes. Will they eat my corals?



Unfortunately this isn't descriptive enough to make a determination... do they have legs like a centipede? Do they have any coloring at all?

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Unfortunately this isn't descriptive enough to make a determination... do they have legs like a centipede? Do they have any coloring at all?


Sorry I'll be more descriptive. They are see through and look like they have a lot of legs, like a centipede. and no coloring that I can see....if anything they are "whitish" and move very fast


A picture would be very important; your description can fit many worms (not all of them bristle worms). Chances are they are harmless.


Look here:



Sorry I wish I could take a picture but these guys move too fast and my camera cant focus in that much. They are about 1-2 cm long. Also, that link was very helpful but unfortunately none of the pictures look like what I saw.

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I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here, but would guess what you're seeing are "pods"




if they're moving that quick, they're not a bristleworm, and the translucence makes sence now that I think about it for pods.


If so, they're totally healthy. It's a sign of good life in your tank.

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I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here, but would guess what you're seeing are "pods"




if they're moving that quick, they're not a bristleworm, and the translucence makes sence now that I think about it for pods.


If so, they're totally healthy. It's a sign of good life in your tank.


Hmm....that might be it! What do you think:



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If they have real legs (not just bristles), then +1 to a pod. It's hard to distinguish what's in the picture, but I would guess a munnid isopod. They look very much like centipedes.

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If they have real legs (not just bristles), then +1 to a pod. It's hard to distinguish what's in the picture, but I would guess a munnid isopod. They look very much like centipedes.


Oh ok, its hard for me to tell if they have legs or bristles, they are too small and move fast across the rock. I assume pods are good?

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Oh ok, its hard for me to tell if they have legs or bristles, they are too small and move fast across the rock. I assume pods are good?

yup pods are good

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