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What's on my Clownfish?


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I can't quite determine if it's either velvet or brooklynella. It doesn't look like ich. Here's a couple of pics:






Fish is swimming normally. Hovering by the sun coral. Still has some appetite (it nibbled a few pellets). Not breathing too hard from what I can tell. It's not at the surface gasping for air, either.


I first observed the excess slime this morning. I notice my other fish--royal gramma--scratching its gills against the sand for the last few days. Parameters are normal and corals and inverts are unaffected. WTH is this?

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+1 for Brooklynella


I had some temporary success with FW dips, but since I didn't have a QT tank, the contaminated water reinfected my clowns.

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I hope this helps:


One of my clowns, the male, had the same issue but I quarantined both clowns. I've been treating them with Seachem Paraguard 5 mL (1 capful) to every 40 L (10 gallons*) every day for the past 8 days. Also, the male clown received (at least) 1 hour dips with 3 mL per 4 L (1 gallon*), everyday.


FYI, I did 50% water change in the QT every 3-4 days and twice a day feeding. The male is still recovering but the female has been healthy so I put her back in the main tank.


I wish you good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How is your clown doing?

last week, I moved it back in the main tank. Its tail has started to grow back. The scars are less visible and its coloring is improving.

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From reading you guys post, and personal experience it seems like brooklynella effects the males worse then the females. Both my BW ocellaris had it and I took the male out to treat him but was unable to catch the female so she stayed in the display tank. Long story short my male died while my female has a new partner. RIP Grumpy

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