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Another Fluval Edge LED upgrade but BETTER!


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This is my first post on Nano-Reef. Awesome site! A LOT of great information for a new hobbyist. I thought I would add my new modification.


I upgraded my Fluval Edge bulbs as soon as I could! I ordered some MR16 LED bulbs but when I got them I was a bit disappointed by the color. It was a bit to yellow for my tastes.


While cruising through Ebay for some LED's for my Land Cruiser I picked up 12 of these LED upgrade kits.





I had extras so I thought, maybe it'll fit the Edge! So this is what I did.


Left Side new LED, Right Side MR16 LED

Which one do you like better?



Can you tell the difference?


A lot thinner!








The LED kits where ONLY 2 bucks each!!! Compared to the 12 bucks i spent on each MR16 +Shipping!


Let me know what you think!

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Awesome! Just be warned that it's highly doubtful you will be able to keep any corals under those (possibly shrooms or other softies maybe).


As far as lighting goes you usually get what you pay for

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Oh I also have a Power Compact light but it looks ugly.


I'm thinking about tearing the top off the Edge and making it a rimless. Then I might get some better lights and hang it over the tank.


Any suggestions for a good but not TOO expensive light? Maybe the 2x18W Coralife?


Yeah hopefully you weren't planning on keeping any corals. Pretty nice build nonetheless
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It depends. Are you set on ripping the top off or do you want to try to maintain the stock look?


There are options for both

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I want to rip the top glass off! I hate working with the Edge in it's stock config. I currently have an 18W Jebo PC light fixture. It was only 30 bucks and was good to start with.


Has anyone done this mod to the Edge? There was a guy on another forum that did it but gave no instructions. I plan to just get a razor and cut the silicone out. It should work right?






It depends. Are you set on ripping the top off or do you want to try to maintain the stock look?


There are options for both

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Yep there's been a few threads around here lately where people have done this. You can do a search but Im pretty sure they didnt give any more info than razor-silicone=rimless

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I took off the top of my edge, here is my thread It was pretty easy to do. Just get a bunch of brand new razor blades and go to town, but don't get cut!

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Thanks! I'm going to do this at my next water change. What kind of light is that you're using?


I took off the top of my edge, here is my thread It was pretty easy to do. Just get a bunch of brand new razor blades and go to town, but don't get cut!
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Why buy a Fluval Edge just to cut the top off? That defeats the entire design aesthetic and the main purpose for owning one. Might as well just sell the Edge and buy a common open top tank.

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The top panel really adds a lot of strength to the sides. I don't really know the exact dimensions of this tank but I'd check if other people had any problems with this. I'd sell this as is and get a GLA, ADA or Mr Aqua instead but that's just me

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Why buy a Fluval Edge just to cut the top off? That defeats the entire design aesthetic and the main purpose for owning one. Might as well just sell the Edge and buy a common open top tank.


You're right!! I just bought a 14x14x10 AIO NANO CUBE! I'll sell my Edge once I move everything over!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi mate


The LED lights you put in the tank to replace the halogen bulbs did u just plug them in or did u have to do some rewiring to get them to work?

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Hi mate


The LED lights you put in the tank to replace the halogen bulbs did u just plug them in or did u have to do some rewiring to get them to work?



I just plugged them in then used Electric tape to secure them. Make sure its secure cuz they will come loose. Then i wrapped the whole thing in syran wrap.

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Ice nice, been looking for a light upgrade to my EDGE but didn't want to make any major modification to mine, gonna get some of these LED's now, nice one mate cheers

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Maroon Clown
Why buy a Fluval Edge just to cut the top off? That defeats the entire design aesthetic and the main purpose for owning one. Might as well just sell the Edge and buy a common open top tank.


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where did you get the Led strips that you had zip tied on the side of the arm? Can you link me. Also were they plug and play or did you have to solder?

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where did you get the Led strips that you had zip tied on the side of the arm? Can you link me. Also were they plug and play or did you have to solder?


I got it from Ebay. Something similar to this.




I used an old 12V power supply from I think a cable modem. I just plugged the wires in and used electrical black tape to secure it. You can buy an adapter and solder it, but you don't need to.


After about a month or so two led's burnt out, but it still worked fine. It did a good job as moon lighting and brought out nice colors from my corals.


I hope this helps.

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  • 1 month later...


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