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Anyone who has made a sump for their pico 10 gallons and under show off your sumps! im planning a 5 gallon hex build and would like some ideas. thanks.

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Anyone who has made a sump for their pico 10 gallons and under show off your sumps! im planning a 5 gallon hex build and would like some ideas. thanks.


I'll grab photo's a little later today, but I revamped my sump/refugium for my 5g display. I've cheated this time and went and grabbed a 2g Evolve, and then drilled it for inflow and outflow. I didn't want to drill the glass display, so my 'fuge is higher than my display.


EDIT: Okay, so I didn't grab the photo the same day, but here it is. The fuge is the thing on the box on the right. I have a few plants for light shields and such, for now though the fuge light is only on when the main lights are on for the tank.



Edited by illiath
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  • 8 years later...

I wonder how the sump above ended up working long term. Anyone else got more pico sump to share? I know the thread is old but better to bump one that already has the topic then to make a new one

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