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Green Bubble Algae Help


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OK...I definitely have green bubble algae in my tank.




I have read several different theories/methods of removing it.....


  • Gently prying it off and suctioning it out
  • Super glueing it
  • Peroxide treatment
  • Emerald crabs
  • Removing the rock and using peroxide and then RO rinse
  • Removing the rock, peroxide, RO rinse then cover it with super glue.


The rock that it is on was added after my base rock...it has been in my tank several months now.


Does that mean the rock had bubble algae spores when I put it in?


Shoulld I remove the rock and get rid of it?


What is the best way to handle it?


I am thinking of removing the rock and using peroxide and then rinsing with RO. Heck, I may even cover the spot in super glue.


Is that my best option? I dont mind getting rid of the rock all together....


Any input would be greatly appreciated.




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Just start with lifting out the rocks and pouring peroxide across the target from a new bottle of peroxide. Let sit for three mins, put back in tank and it will die in four days. No other steps needed. The other options you mentioned work too, just pick one and run it.

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Peroxide def works. I did go a little over board with it and a couple of my acros were a little upset but they are recovering.

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No just leave it to dieIt doesn't release spores into the tank as posted...we kill valonia like this commonly


And others choose to use magnesium or kalk paste, really anything over concentrated

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Thanks for the suggestions...


A couple more questions...Will I have to worry about it popping back up on this particular rock? Should I just remove the rock all together or am I being paranoid?


Thanks again


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