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Cultivated Reef

Is my Condy Anemone having problems?


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I got this guy about a week ago. I purchased it from my local Petco (I know Petco has a nasty rep for marine life, but the one I live near has some really great folks at it, and they care about their animals. They actually treat them like pets, instead of live stock...but I digress) For the first day or so he looked normal, and now for about the past 5 days, he swells up and slims down constantly, and his tendrils stay deflated, with 1 to 5 tendrils being the exception. I usually feed my 55 gallon tank around 1 cube of frozen brine shrimp per day, as well as a morning dose of marine flakes. I have seen both types of food end up in his tendrils. I figured at first he was just pulling them in to digest, but I'm starting to worry a bit. The little guy is starting to look grotesque. Is this normal? I'd hate to think that I was harming it. I hand moved him once, because of the location it was positioning itself in would have been right in from of a powerhead, and blown him all over the place. I also introduced a Domino Damsel last night, that instantly tried to have the anemone host it. Currently, my lighting is 2 Coralife 65w Super Actinic bulbs (day light spectrum bulbs are to be added soon as well) Figured I'd give as many details as possible, hopefully someone will know whats going on with the Condy.


Here's a shot of him looking moderately normal a few days ago



and here is the bloated mess I have now :(



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If I'm reading your post correctly your lighting is insufficient for a condy: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=497+499+619&pcatid=619


"The Condy Anemone requires strong light and should never be purchased if a good lighting system is not in place. It will do well in an aquarium with live rock and several crustaceans. Although a Condy requires a reef environment, it is not the best suited for the reef aquarium. The Condy Anemone moves around the tank and has a sting that can inflict grave damage to other anemones and corals. Do not include its natural predators such as the Red-Leg Hermit Crab. Unlike other anemones, the Condy Anemone does not have a relationship with any particular fish, and it is rare for any type of clownfish or damsel to reside within them."

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I agree. You lighting it not strong enough for a anemone. When it's "happy" you will see it's tenticles extended a lot more than even the first pic. Maybe I'm crazy but I didnt think Damels hosted any kind of nem. Yes I know Clowns are a type of damsel.

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If I'm reading your post correctly your lighting is insufficient for a condy: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=497+499+619&pcatid=619


"The Condy Anemone requires strong light and should never be purchased if a good lighting system is not in place. It will do well in an aquarium with live rock and several crustaceans. Although a Condy requires a reef environment, it is not the best suited for the reef aquarium. The Condy Anemone moves around the tank and has a sting that can inflict grave damage to other anemones and corals. Do not include its natural predators such as the Red-Leg Hermit Crab. Unlike other anemones, the Condy Anemone does not have a relationship with any particular fish, and it is rare for any type of clownfish or damsel to reside within them."


Well that settles that then. Time to put some stank on getting the lights upgraded. I do find it a bit strange though, that insufficient lighting would make it bubble up and bloat like that.


I agree. You lighting it not strong enough for a anemone. When it's "happy" you will see it's tenticles extended a lot more than even the first pic. Maybe I'm crazy but I didnt think Damels hosted any kind of nem. Yes I know Clowns are a type of damsel.


I thought the same thing. I put the little guy in there last night, and within 5 minutes when he went and laid down in the Condys tendrils and wriggled a bit, I though "WTH?! The fish is committing suicide?!" After spending about 30 minutes browsing around, I found out its not all too uncommon for a Domino Damsel to take a liking to an anemone. Several articles I read said they especially like to try to pair with Long Tentacled Anemones. I'm not sure how happy this will make the Condy on the other hand though.

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Unfortunately, the condy cant eat any more :( ... it's tank mates decided today it would taste good instead, in its weakened state, and they made minced meat of it. The poor thing stressed to death. It turned odd colors, and released all the mucus on its body, and then became total unresponsive.


I'm officially turned off for the time being, with trying to own another anemone. I bragged about my local petco, and while yes, they do deserve accolades, they never informed me of the lighting and what have you.. Granted, I should have researched for myself. Impulse purchases on marine life are simply not in my best interest.


I would like to say I'm sorry to those of you actually reading this, for being ignorant on how to take care of the little fella. Won't happen again, thats for sure.

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