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Glaucus Atlanticus


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Ok, these things are amazing looking. I have never seen something so cool. Never heard of them, and definately never seen/heard of anyone having these. I was searching for these bright blue with yellow marking sea slugs I saw in the LFS today when I ran across these. Anyone know anything about them? The ones I saw look like regualr nudibranchs, but are bright blue with yellow markings. I think these Glaucus Atlanticus sting, I am not sure...... Just curious if anyone has ever kept any? The picture in the left is the one I was searching for, the right is what I stumbled upon....doesnt seem real


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Those 2 are not the same if that is what you are thinking.



Look up what they eat and how they live and see if you can provide that for the duration of its life. ;)

This is a Chromodoris annae

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The one on the right eats ONLY portuguese man-o-war jellyfish. You could keep one if you could manage to supply it with food, but I have no idea how your would keep a man-o-war or you'll have to move to Hawaii and figure out how to collect man-o-war regularly without getting stung.


The one on the left, I'm not familiar with, but it's a nudibranch, so it only eats one thing, and it's unlikely you'll be able to keep it.


There are some nudis that you can keep that eat algae, but they're ugly. There is a beautiful one that eats flatworms, but you'd have to set up a special flatworm breeding tank and figure out how to grow flatworms.

If it were me, I'd just find a nice picture of one and use it as my computer desktop background.

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I shudder to think of harvesting Man O' Wars on a regular basis. I've had a few brush ups with them in the Gulf of Mexico (Alabama). Every now and again a large cloud of them would drift through. Not so much a regualr occurance in that area, but they freakin' hurt none the less.


It's a shame those Nudis in the pics are such picky eaters.

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