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Cultivated Reef



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So I started this pico reef jar project 2 months ago and finally completed it came out pretty good all it needs now is some nice hardy corals.



Pico reef jar 1g

Lava lamp stand

Toms mini internal filter

Mini led zetlight

Moonlight diode

Cooling fan








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Sweet, love seeing/doing these little projects. You have flow and decwnt light, think there is quite a bit you can get away woth in there. I would recomend some colorful zoas, maybe pulsing xenia, a couple ricordia... looking forward to more pics :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just added a bubble tip hammer head coral little night shoot. Will take day shoot tomorrow see how it looks might change location.



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Not much the filter was $12 the moon light cost $8 and corals are coming from my nano reef. The mini zetlight my brother gave to me he sales zetlights. So I didn't really spend much on it I had a lot of the stuff already

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums


Not much the filter was $12 the moon light cost $8 and corals are coming from my nano reef. The mini zetlight my brother gave to me he sales zetlights. So I didn't really spend much on it I had a lot of the stuff already


Very impressive in cost! I have only seen PJ Reefs up until yours.




Not much the filter was $12 the moon light cost $8 and corals are coming from my nano reef. The mini zetlight my brother gave to me he sales zetlights. So I didn't really spend much on it I had a lot of the stuff already

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Put some more hammer head corals in today from my 150g reef tank. I'm loving the way this pico reef is looking :)



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  • 5 weeks later...

My little pico reef jar project is doing really good i love the way it came out. I was thinking of putting a little fish in thier but i think its a bad idea maybe will be a bio overload i dont know plus its too small for any fish thathat i know of. What do u guys think?



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Thank you all for the feedback im glad you guys liked it. I put alot of my free time on this but still needs a little more work for it to be fully complete and more colorful corals

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Well for hardware all i have is a toms mini internal filter and lighting is a mini zetlight and for cooling i have a little fan that i buit in on the clear plastic cover. And for evaporation it hardly does happen but when it does i just add a little r.o. water and check the salinity which i always keep withing the salinity range between 1.023 and 1.025 and weekly water changes.

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That is, if you don't mind.


- Is that a glass or plastic jar (you mentioned it was a plastic lid, so I'd guess it's all plastic)?

- How did you you run the wires (pinched in the seal or drilled through the lid)?


Anyways, looks brilliant! I was just wandering through Bed, Bath & Beyond last night ogling their kitchen containers and thinking it would be fun to do something like this.

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