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Bloomin' Tank of GeNRosity


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She has 2 small tanks, like 10g but she just found out yesterday that I'm giving her my 34g that had Maiden's Voyage. I know she had the baby and all but she's really missing her big tank that she had to sell off. It's killing me cuz I now what she's capable of and I'm paying it forward in the hobby. She was thrilled. Her clam is still doing well, still has her clowns and another little fish.


I've only seen the dead sea stars that wash up that are grey, so seeing those was so wonderful. I think it's because only couple days before they had more weather due to the depression.

Ok, promised some pics after the water cleared. Remember I had to fix the center rocks differently but I tried to keep it generally the same. And the royal gramma has been all around the tank now.






And see what I mean about the duncan, he needs help. And the darn toadstool. I put him where he gets flow hitting off the wall so it's not like it's not getting flow. The leather 2 inches higher and to the side is bent over. It's shrinking. Tempted to put it back into Gertie's tank where it had awesome polyp extension.



The FTS looks great!

Are the duncans getting a lot of flow in that location? I agree, they definitely don't look right.

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The FTS looks great!

Are the duncans getting a lot of flow in that location? I agree, they definitely don't look right.



I had to remove the duncans from Gertie's tank as they weren't getting enough nutrients. I'm going to feed each polyp best I can tomorrow. Flow hasn't been turned up as much yet in this tank as I still have a small rock flower that is sitting on the surface but hasn't set its foot down yet. This tank as opposed to Gertie's gets coral frenzy and reef bugs too so it should do better here.

is that teeny's monster green RFA?? that thing is HUGE!


It is, you never got the scope really of how big it was in that tank. But now that you see my rock flowers which are all like 1 inch-1.5" . I was shocked too when I got it. It's the mother of all rock flowers right now!!! It hasn't moved at all since I put it in here. Not once.

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Great photos, Annette! Looks like everything is doing really well! That hitchiker gorgonian is super cool. Is it doing well for you? I noticed it doesn't have visible polyps in the photo. Do its polyps come out ever? Have you figured out if its photosynthetic or nonphotosynthetic?

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Great photos, Annette! Looks like everything is doing really well! That hitchiker gorgonian is super cool. Is it doing well for you? I noticed it doesn't have visible polyps in the photo. Do its polyps come out ever? Have you figured out if its photosynthetic or nonphotosynthetic?


Unfortunately, the gorg died as the sender didn't wrap it in water. So it''s a skeleton only and nothing has grown back on it. I was hoping it might from the inside, like how a tree can still be green internally. So, I just have it sitting in there cuz it still looks cool- I figure things are still broken on reefs, not everything looks perfect. I still though want to buy 2 gorgs. 2 of the fluffiest. One of which I understand KPAquatics has- the corky sea finger. What other one do they have that would fit the bill. I'm actually fine w/ getting 2 of those in fact, due to fluff. I favor the fluff!

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That's too bad that it died, but yeah the skeleton looks very cool in there. You should definitely get some gorgs from KPA. They'd look great in there! The corky sea finger is very fluffy, but its not a true gorgonian. Its the one that actually in the same family as GSP and is an encrusting polyp. Super cool though! In terms of fluffiness, I'm partial to the knobby sea rod and the purple sea rod from KPA.

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I like those jawfish.


Yes, odd that the one chose the corner. I know they were sent together and I was told they were boy and girl but each has its own dwelling making me believe they're not "together".

That's too bad that it died, but yeah the skeleton looks very cool in there. You should definitely get some gorgs from KPA. They'd look great in there! The corky sea finger is very fluffy, but its not a true gorgonian. Its the one that actually in the same family as GSP and is an encrusting polyp. Super cool though! In terms of fluffiness, I'm partial to the knobby sea rod and the purple sea rod from KPA.


I also have the briarium which is the climbing gsp, I try to put it next to the gorg but it falls. I may need to glue it down.

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Omg, that video is so cute! The music is perfect :lol:


Every time you post another video I want jawfish even more. They are high on my wishlist for the 40g!


I had to remove the duncans from Gertie's tank as they weren't getting enough nutrients. I'm going to feed each polyp best I can tomorrow. Flow hasn't been turned up as much yet in this tank as I still have a small rock flower that is sitting on the surface but hasn't set its foot down yet. This tank as opposed to Gertie's gets coral frenzy and reef bugs too so it should do better here.


It is, you never got the scope really of how big it was in that tank. But now that you see my rock flowers which are all like 1 inch-1.5" . I was shocked too when I got it. It's the mother of all rock flowers right now!!! It hasn't moved at all since I put it in here. Not once.

I'm glad it is staying put! It's easy to see how much destruction it caused in my tank walking all over everything.


I didn't realize you'd just moved the duncans from the other tank. Hopefully they'll recover quickly in this one!

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Omg, that video is so cute! The music is perfect :lol:


Every time you post another video I want jawfish even more. They are high on my wishlist for the 40g!

I'm glad it is staying put! It's easy to see how much destruction it caused in my tank walking all over everything.


I didn't realize you'd just moved the duncans from the other tank. Hopefully they'll recover quickly in this one!


They're a little more puffy today. I put some Reef Bugs in today. I get a new pack of frozen jumbo mysis tomorrow so I'll try to feed the heads tomorrow. And I think the jaw fish put up with each other, maybe one day they'll get closer to each other and share the same abode. They've definitely made holes in the back but the harlequin made his home in one so then they moved to the back right.

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Oh I'd love to see her two 10g and how sweet of you to give her your old tank!!!!!! I don't really follow the FB reef forums but maybe I should be paying closer attention just to see how her tanks look!!!!!


Can you try moving the duncans or the leather? Looks to me like they are both annoying each other. A lot of times LPS will not play nice with leathers and vice versa.

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Oh I'd love to see her two 10g and how sweet of you to give her your old tank!!!!!! I don't really follow the FB reef forums but maybe I should be paying closer attention just to see how her tanks look!!!!!


Can you try moving the duncans or the leather? Looks to me like they are both annoying each other. A lot of times LPS will not play nice with leathers and vice versa.


The toadstool actually has looked like that way before the duncan was put in. Duncan is looking a touch more fluffy today. I had put the toadstool 5 mins ago just down a little ways and it's putting out some polyps. So that's a good sign, so I don't believe yet that the duncan was bothering it. Now it's down wind of it and opening. I'll just watch it and maybe it was too breezy right there for the toadstool.




and yesterday the backside of it.




and today's backside...there's only the center polyp that is completely dead and it all is more puffy.





And here's the new guy. He's got a small dog complex, he's just slightly over an inch, half as short as the royal gramma. My understanding is I will have to watch for nipping as the duncan and rose coral are lps (forgot about that fact w/ the rose coral). I'll keep him fed of course but if there's any funny business and if he tries on any one of the RFAs....he's going straight to Gertie's tank no question. It took him 5 mins to start up a fight w/ the royal gramma. Royal Gramma put up the mean extending mouth posturing thing, there was sand thrown up.


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Love the cute little pygmy!!!! and the jawfish video is too funny.


He's a cutie, strong personality so far. I love that the jawfish are just getting more and more comfortable with me now.

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He's a cutie, strong personality so far. I love that the jawfish are just getting more and more comfortable with me now.

They remind me of muppets :lol:.

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They remind me of muppets :lol:.


Maybe Beaker! He has a turned down mouth like the one closest to the glass, ok, he looks like he's grimacing.



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I love jawfish! They have so much personality and are so fun to watch building their burrows. You're making me really miss my jawfish pair :)

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I love jawfish! They have so much personality and are so fun to watch building their burrows. You're making me really miss my jawfish pair :)


I think it was Stella's tank where they were sitting there heads together in the burrow like a couple of elderly folks looking out their window or door that got me! I don't have a deep sand bed necessarily, it's sloped up. I still need to get some more shells.

Those jawfish are so adorable - they really do look like muppets! Thanks for the videos.


The videos got better & better as their comfort with me has grown so I'm pleased with that. One does have 2 white marks on his body and I don't know if they scuffled with each other but it doesn't seem to be acting out of sorts at all.

I thin every once in a while I'll reslope and help out.

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I couldn't find my bully when I got home. He's so small and hiding somewhere. I thought I had 5 hiding spots, he's obviously found more.

Also, today the pygmy can be an inch away from the royal gramma and they don't chase or anything. And the jaw fish further in looks interested in the back of the tank now- so his/her house might be moving there now. The pygmy and the jaw fish were ok w/ each other. So I'm glad all are doing ok. Now I'm just looking at the Starry Blenny and the Longnose Hawkfish. 4 fish in a 40g seems bare when 2 of them hide in one area. 6 will be it though.


I'm uploading a video of the RG and the Pygmy. It's a good one!!

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