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Scissortail Goby


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Greetings all,


New reefer here with a JBJ cycling cube.


Does any one know anything about the scissortail goby?



I see other gobies mentioned but not this one.


I was wondering if it is a good reefer and does it plays well with others?




Nemo's Fin

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I think what you are talking about is Ptereleotris evides, AKA Scissortail Dartfish. They are GOOD JUMPERS! Cover tank somehow or you WILL find a crispy critter on your floor. Generally they are peaceful fish that will eat anything meaty, i.e. shrimp bits, krill, chopped squid etc. Try to find a mated pair as they will provide the most entertainment and might spawn if proper conditions exist. DO NOT buy 2 if they are not mated. They WILL fight to the death. They do require a sand bottom to burrow into at night to "bed" themselves and go to sleep. Other than that it is totally "reef safe" and will not bother other fish only its same species.

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I looked at them few times and almost got one. My concern was they grow to 5 1/2 ", a little big for my tank, so I went with the purple firefish which only grows to 3"



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