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Tiny white "worms" on glass


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What are these? I didn't get a picture I saw them when i turned the light on in the morning and the clowns went to town and ate them. I am just curious what they are.

They are tiny white straight and moved on the glass. There were about 100 of them.

I have hermits, turbo snails, firefish, emerald crab and clowns in my 24 gallon.

Any ideas?

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Well, a picture would be helpful but I know it's hard to get a good shot of really tiny things (sometimes it's hard for me to get a good shot of big things as well!)


I have also found tiny worms on my glass along with the copepods, isopods, etc. I haven't been able to identify them except maybe to phylum--i.e., they resemble round worms (nematodes). I have also found minute bristle worms on the glass--the spines only visible with a magnifying glass. I don't know if these are young of the bigger worms or separate species. (I think the latter.) I have seen several micro nematodes in detritus I've siphoned out and looked at under a microscope. Some "swam" by rapidly flexing their bodies; others moved like inchworms.


There is a whole world of microfauna in our tanks--some of it is described in articles about sandbeds or other substrates in the online magazines. I don't know what would cause a sudden "bloom" but it sounds like it was a nice source of fish food!


If you see more, try to observe if they have segments, bristles, appendages, etc, and how they move.






(BTW, when FW tanks get something similar, they are called "white worms." :) They appear in aged tanks with plants, usually, and are highly desired as fry food for egglayers.)

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